Dec 29, 2010

I have GOT to find something to do with my life

So, deciding not to go back to school next semester has done a couple things for me. 
#1. I get to spend some time with my family and friends that I love so much.
#2. It gives me the opportunity to work for a while so that I can pay for at least the next semester myself.
#3. It hasn't even been that long and I'm already bored out of my mind. 

So, what is gonna happen whilst looking for a job?? Probably not that much, considering everyone else either has a job or goes to school. Maybe I should have decided to stay?? Who knows anymore?? Cause its definitely not me. 

And to top it all off..... its raining today.... So I can't even go outside to try to entertain myself....Great
Hmmmph. Hopefully things will start to look up, or at least give me something to do besides make a blog post everyday. 

Dec 28, 2010

Haven't laughed this hard all by myself in a while :)

So I was perusing the internet, and stumbled upon a blog that eventually led me to I was laughing pretty dang hard sitting on my bed all by my lonesome, I probably sounded pretty crazy, but I had a good time with it :) 

Here are some of the ones that I found most amusing:
(This is one I might get from my mom)
( I laughed so hard at this one!!)
(I kinda want one of these :P )

Dec 27, 2010

Next Duct Tape Project!!!

This is what I want to make next..... A duct tape jacket!!! It's probably gonna be almost or just as expensive as buying a normal jacket, but it won't have been made my me, and it won't be made out of duct tape!! :) 

If you weren't aware, I absolutely LOVE duct tape :) I love making wallets out of it! And all of my inside jokes with the best friend were written on duct tape and hung on the wall of our dorm room, so that makes it even better..... We have had lots and lots of fun with duct tape :) My most recent wallet is made of zebra stripe duct tape and has a teal lining :) its pretty sweet, if I do say so myself......and I DO!! lol

Dec 18, 2010


Well I'm finally home for Christmas, and I'm so glad to be back with my awesome family. I'm definitely gonna miss being down in Thatcher, not necessarily going to class and being in the library trying to do homework, but all the really fun people that are down there. But I am going to enjoy being home for a while until I figure out what my next move is. Hopefully it won't be long until I can figure out what I need to be doing for school, that will help me get through all the classes I have to take. 

Christmas is in a week!!! I'm pretty excited, even though I don't really want or need anything, its still really exciting! My uncle who is living in Japan is going to come down, so I'm pretty excited to see him :)

Dec 11, 2010

Well, I didn't think it would go like this.

The semester is over (except for finals). Its kinda weird to think that I won't be living in this crazy little 
college town anymore. School didn't go as well as planned this semester, if it did, I would be getting A's or B's in all of my classes and I would end the semester with all the credits I had planned on getting. Here is what actually went down; tried to study, and epically failed. I haven't been able to focus to save my life lately. I guess that's just what happens to first semester freshman, I just didn't find that balance that most people do. 

School has never really been my thing, but I have always been able to somehow pull it out ya' know?? I can't really help but feel just a little defeated. It never even crossed my mind that I wasn't ready to handle this, all my friends have been able to adjust to this crazy college lifestyle, why haven't I?? I guess this is just the way it has to go for me.... I just have to make it a little harder on myself. I wish it didn't have to be this way, I don't really feel like I have time to waste. I know I have things to do, and I don't really want to postpone them, just because I'm not ready. Hmmmmm.... guess I just have to let the Lord do his thing. I wish I could get like a program, or maybe a play book; just something to give me a little heads up on what's coming next. 

Deuces Thatcher. Make sure you keep my friends safe while I'm gone.  

Dec 10, 2010

Quote Wall

So Cate and I have been maintaining a quote wall of all the stupid, random, or totally rude things that we have said. And as the semester is practically over, I thought it might be nice to take some pictures and post them on my blog. So, here they are.

Dec 4, 2010

I Think the End of the Semester Finally Got to Us!!

Well the semester is finally ending, and I think all the stress has made us a little bit on the loopy side. As Cate and I watched Braveheart last night, we were so slap-happy that we laughed through a majority of the movie, making jokes about the people being killed, and what we thought might be going through the minds of the horses running on the battle field. Making jokes like, " This red stuff isn't ketchup!?!?!" and  "I just wanna eat some grass!!!" or "Shishkabob!" "Spear to the Chest!!!" We were laughing our heads off :)

We have been having lots of fun quoting movies like crazy, and we are gonna watch The Sandlot tonight with Cory and Nick, probably because they want us to stop quoting it :P

Cate and I even have a Theme Song now. Its pretty legit.

Can't wait until the semester is over and I can spend some real time at home with the people I love <3